Elevating Student Voice
I've never been more convinced that student voice is one of the most powerful - yet untapped - assets available to schools. I’m fortunate to have had opportunity to play a role in sharing resources and stories of how others have been successful in elevating youth voice in their school or district.
CASEL’s Practice of Promise on Youth Voice and Engagement, for which I was lead author, tells the story of the how Washoe County School District in Reno, Nevada was able to use student voice to maintain a focus on student learning during the coronavirus pandemic.
My first-hand experience with dozens of high schools in Chicago that prioritize youth voice is the inspiration behind these tools in the CASEL Guide to Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning:
My interview with Micheal Thompson, the Principal of Johnson Senior High School, in which he described his staff’s journey in shifting their mindset toward students, is included in Melissa Schlinger’s article, “Elevating Student Voice through Social and Emotional Learning” in the June edition of School Administrator.