Content Development
Content Development helps to fill the gap between your expertise, time, and/or ability to put something in writing. Whether articulating your mission and vision, developing guidance documents, highlighting your successes, or documenting protocols and procedures, your ability to communicate with your staff and stakeholders is a critical component to achieving positive results.
Content expertise:
School Mental Health
School Health
Restorative Practices
Trauma-Informed Practices
Youth Voice
Adolescent Development
I can help you...
develop written communication (e.g., newsletter, bulletin, website) for your staff, parents, and stakeholders
develop handbook with guidance related to new or revised policies and practices
tailor existing professional development to your community or context
compile information for a workshop or training
Work samples:
CASEL’s Practice of Promise Series:
Youth Voice and Student Engagement: Washoe County School District (Nevada)
Creating a Caring Culture through SEL: Atlanta Public Schools (Georgia)
CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL:
School-Based Health Alliance: